Tuesday, July 31, 2007

good bad day

today was a good bad day.

the morning was bad.

the afternoon was good.

i ate breakfast in the day, and dessert in the night.

and that makes it a good bad day.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

bread and money

bread is what i've been eating all week.
money is what i really need.

don't worry, im not seriously broke. i just feel like eating bread all the time. kaya and bread. comfort food? perhaps.

as for money. everyone needs money all the time. so this is called whining.

have a nice day.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

how giraffe are you?

as the semester nears the end, and the last few weeks drag by, jaime and i were desperate for some motivation. under the comfortable lift lobby of block 56 in school, we came up with a giraffe rating for people. so on a scale of 1 to 10. one being not a tinge bit giraffe-y at all, to ten, which is not something you wanna be cos that just means that, my goodness, you're a giraffe?
so yea, how giraffe are you?

Monday, July 16, 2007

a pact with Harry Potter

I made a pact with Caleb today. He says that if he gets gold for NAFA, i'll have to buy him juice. and if he doesn't, which would most probably be the case, he'll have to buy me 2 teh-o, kosong.

better get your money ready Caleb!

and i watched the fifth instalment of Harry Potter with Carrie today. whoa, another great adventure ride. but the movie was interrupted periodically by some good-for-nothing schoolkids. idiots!

and for what i've been doing the past few days:

taking pictures for my final assignment

and unexpectedly flashing. but hey, im the real photographer, so i call the shots!

caught in action.

and a final gathering of the crew. photographer - phoebe. talents - cherie and lye. extras - shah and avie (who were not doing anything, other than snapping nonsense shots)

but it was fun anyway.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

im a model

avie says that i can only be a hand and feet model.


Thursday, July 05, 2007


it was interesting. that's all i can say about what i saw today.

avie and i visited buangkok. wow.

seriously, this isn't pulau ubin or some far away place, this is singapore!
to emphasize how ulu buangkok is - this is called Woody Lodge.

its abandoned. but i bet all the druggies and illegal immigrants are living in there.

it's a super big place. looks like a primary school from here. with murals on the walls, reminds me of IJ back then.

its state property now.

nice painting on the outside walls.

avie says that these are probably what they use in oil rigs. seems like it.

a chance to exercise some creativity.

this place freaked me out i tell you. imagine a super deserted area, with just avie and i. walking alone... it's scary.

after a really long time, we finally reached the kampong we were looking for. yes, there is still a kampong in buangkok that not many people know of.

pleasantly surprised by the beautiful flowers they grow there.

avie's face looks funny here.

welcome to Lorong Buangkok - actually, i dont know what the sign says.

i still can't believe this is singapore.

this is such a cute front gate with the letter box and all.

thank goodness we made it out alive. i had some crazy idea of a psycho running after us with a chainsaw - like texas chainsaw massacre. okay, too much tv phoebe.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

glen & gen

very kindly and spontaneously, glen and gen helped me out with my photoshoot by posing for me. they were really easy to work with, very fun and enthusiastic.

unfortunately, the shots i ended up with were 'snap-shots'. wayne thinks it isn't enough, it's too literal, too simple, too happy.
but anyway, here are some of the better shots i have of them.